Publication of the Binary Articles on the Spark Plasma Sintering of our Developed Alloy on the Synthesis and Sintering Journal
We are excited to announce the publication of two research articles on the
Published Binary Articles on the Microstructure (Grain Boundary and Texture) Influence on the Cytocompatibility of the Pure Mg
Once Prof. KS Shin (my PhD supervisor in SNU) told all properties related
Presentation in Shokoofa TV competition (Persian)
Dr. Ahmad Bahmani and Dr. Behzad Nayebi - Production of advanced products made of light alloy

ARTA-Mag provides the services for improvement of culture of light metal applications. We try to provide the services for alloys development, material characterization, components prototype and so on.
On the synthesis and sintering behavior of a novel Mg-Ca alloy, Part I: Mechanical alloyingadministrator2024-12-17T01:23:49+03:30
On the synthesis and sintering behavior of a novel Mg-Ca alloy, Part II: Spark plasma sinteringadministrator2024-12-16T22:43:48+03:30
Mechanochemical study of a novel Magnesium alloy with trace addition of Gd, Nd, Ce, and La rare-earth and Sr elementsadministrator2024-11-19T18:02:03+03:30
Especial Alloys
- Stainless Magnesium
- Ignition Resistance Alloys
- Ultra-high strength Alloys
Magnesium Implants
- Biodegradable Implants
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Osteo-Implants
Magnesium Resistance
- Ignition Resistance
- Corrosion Resistance
- Degradation Behavior
Magnesium products
- Magnesium Tube
- Magnesium Rod
- Magnesium Sheet
– Ph.D. in Materials Science, Seoul National University (SNU), Korea
– Co-Founder and Chief Executive Manager (CEO)
– Magnesium (Corrosion protection, Casting, Forming), Advanced Lightweight Metals, Bio-metals
– Ph.D in Materials Science, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Iran
– Co-Founder of ARTofMAG and ARTofBio (Biomaterials) Manager
– Advanced Lightweight Metals and Ceramics, Bio-materials, UHTCs